Consider DoULike personals. As the name implies, this is a Craigslist personals alternative from the creators of one of the best dating websites. If you have used Doublelist or Backpage personals at least once in your life, you’ll feel right at home using DoULike personals in Odessa. To start using our platform, all you have to do is create. Home of UT Permian Basin’s main campus, Odessa is one of the largest cities in West Texas. A diverse city with a rich history dating back to the 1880s, Odessa has undergone major transformations over the last two decades. Not long ago, Forbes Magazine ranked Odessa as one of the fastest-growing small cities in the United States. Find Personals listings in Odessa, TX on Oodle Classifieds. Join millions of people using Oodle to find great personal ads. Don't miss what's happening in your neighborhood.
Odessa is a city in and the county seat of Ector County, Texas, United States. It is located primarily in Ector County, although a small portion of the city extends into Midland County. Odessa's population was 99,940 at the 2010 census. It is the principal city of the Odessa, Texas Metropolitan Statistical Area, which includes all of Ector County. The metropolitan area is also a component of the larger Midland–Odessa, Texas Combined Statistical Area, which had a population of 266,941 as of July 1, 2009. estimate.
Odessa was founded in 1881 as a water stop and cattle shipping point on the Texas and Pacific Railway. The first post office opened in 1885. Odessa became the county seat of Ector county in 1891 when Ector county was first organized. It became an incorporated city in 1927, after oil was discovered in Ector county on the Connell Ranch southwest of Odessa.
With the opening of the Penn Field in 1929, and the Cowden Field in 1930, oil became a major draw for new residents. In 1925 the population was just 750, by 1929 it had risen to 5,000. Due to increased demand for oil during the second world war the city's population had expanded to 10,000.
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